This is an example of a blackmail email. The passwords are old and form one of the countless breaches companies have had the lsat several years. The phrasing can vary a bit and the password will be old. However, it may be active if you haven’t ever changed it.
Please, red the article on passwords Antonio (our CISO–Chief Information Security Officer) and I wrote for the Wesleyan Blog. It speaks to the importance of passwords, having different passwords and how to mange them all if needed.
ITS Urges Users to Use Different Passwords at Different Websites
Here is the example—
It appears that, (finally), is your password. Will possibly not know me and you are probably wondering why you’re getting this e mail, right?
actually, I put in place a malware on the adult vids (adult porn) web-site and you know what, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what What i’m saying is). During the time you were watching videos, your internet browser began functioning like a RDP (Remote Desktop) which provided me accessibility of your screen and web camera. from then on, my computer software obtained all your contacts from your Messenger, Outlook, FB, as well as emails.
What did I really do?
I created a double-screen video clip. Very first part shows the video you were watching (you have a good taste haha . . .), and 2nd part shows the recording of your web cam.
what exactly should you do?
Well, in my opinion, $1000 is a reasonable price for your little secret. You will make the payment by Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” search engines like google).
Bitcoin Address: 1KTKyyeoVRsEdL5hnPfUBh7HNgp5TdG83GFR34gH <–Edited but similar
(It’s case sensitive, so copy and paste it)
Very important:
You’ve one day to make the payment. (I’ve a unique pixel in this e-mail, and at this moment I know that you have read through this email message). If I do not get the BitCoins, I will certainly send out your video recording to all of your contacts including family members, coworkers, and so forth. Having said that, if I receive the payment, I’ll destroy the video immidiately. If you’d like evidence, reply with “Yes!” and I will definitely mail out your videos to your 6 contacts. It is a non-negotiable offer, that being said don’t waste my personal time and yours by answering this message.