Phishing Email Alert

You are receiving this message because we have become aware of the circulation of a phishing e-mail designed to trick you into releasing your username and password to a non-Wesleyan site that intends to use these credentials to send spam.

The subject of the e-mail is “If you want to retain your account, Warning!” If you responded to the e-mail and divulged your username and password, please let us know and immediately change your password using the Password Manager tool under the Tools & Links section of your electronic portfolio.

Here are some guidelines to distinguish phishing attempts from legitimate ITS communications:

1) We will never ask for your password via e-mail.
2) We will never provide an in-line link to a password change tool. If we need you to maintain your password, we will describe how to navigate to the Password Manager tool.
3) All legitimate ITS communications will be signed by a current ITS representative.

Thanks for your cooperation,
Karen Warren
Director of User and Technical Services
Wesleyan ITS